Brick Haven, Alex Co., Va.
Dec 25th
My dear darling Bettie,
I rec'd your very nice letter some
time ago but have been sick & could not answer sooner. This is Xmas
day & cousin Mary & Aunt Janie have gone to Mrs. Swift's to spend
the day, but there is no pleasure for me Bettie except with my
children, anywhere, or at any time. I enclose a letter to Jeannette, as
she wrote in her last that she expected to be with you soon.
write me everything Bettie about yourself & Jeannette and just as
soon as you receive this as I am so anxious to hear from you. Cousin
Mary has a darling little baby. He is very smart & pretty. Cousin
Johnny's health is very poor & is sick all the time.
I can only
write you a short letter this time Bettie as I have a number to write
and will not have time again. So hoping to hear from you.
I am as ever,
Your devoted Mother
PS. please send me a stamp in your next Bettie
if you have one.