Sunday, February 10, 2013

Who? Why? When? Where?

I am writing this blog as I am discovering bits and pieces of my family's history. Geneology has always interested me, and I have spent the past few years diving deeper into my family tree via and the unbelievable collection of photos, letters, and postcards (literally thousands) left to us. My great-grandmother Mary Cullen Loriaux (1919-2008) thankfully saved these precious pieces of history. 

Many of the photos & letters leave me asking so many questions. Why was Alice Sandy Marmaduke separated from her young girls in 1903? Why wouldn't anyone talk about what happened to Frank Cullen, Sr? 

Because the majority of the photos come from my great-grandmother's collection, I am focusing almost exclusively on her lines, along with her husband's family.

These photos were found in an album belonging to Mary Jane Quinn Cullen (1851-1935). It is photos like these that drive me especially crazy as I don't know the who, where, when, and why these photos were taken. I'm hoping that this blog will connect me to people who are more experienced genealogists that can help point me in the right direction. I wish I had begun this blog years ago... 

This precious little girl's photo was in the album next to my great-great grandfather's (Frank Cullen: 1883-1951) infant tin-type photo (taken in 1883/4). 
My instinct tells me that this photo may be of my 4th Great-Grandfather Hugh Quinn (abt 1814-abt 1870) since it was in the album near the tin-type of his wife (below). But there was nothing else indicating that this photo is of Hugh Quinn. My knowledge of the Quinns is that they came from Ireland, and ended up working in Cincinnati, Ohio in about 1860. Their occupation in Cincinnati was bleaching/pressing of hats.

Margianna Quinn (maiden name unknown / 1811-1892)

I have no clue about this woman. Because it's a tin-type, I would guess it is from around 1880.
Again, no idea... This woman does not look familiar at all to me. It's also a tin-type.

Now for a photo that I have identified. This is Mary Jane Quinn Cullen with her 2 sons: Frank (1883-1951) & Elmer (1881-1911). I would estimate this was taken in 1888. Their father, Frank Cullen Sr. was supposedly deceased by this point. My great-grandmother Mary Cullen (Frank's daughter) was always told to mind her own business when she asked about her grandfather Frank. Mary Jane's city directory record notes that she is the widow of Frank Cullen, along with the 1910-1930 census records. I have not found the 1880, 1890 (missing due to the fire) & 1900 census records for Mary Jane. I have seen no written proof of Frank Cullen Sr's life as I do not have birth, death, or marriage records for him. I do have 2 photos of him that I will share at some point. In the meantime, here is the tin type of Mary Jane, Frank (L), & Elmer (R).

I could keep on for hours, but will close for now...

1 comment:

  1. Love this!! I'm sure you're going to love diving deeper into this. Can't wait to read along. :)
